  • The bride will need to consider a gown/dress/attire for registration day, bridal gown for wedding day and evening gown. Consider also the type of wedding you have in mind – garden party, beachside celebration, ballroom, traditional attide or themed wedding
  • Do some research by flipping through magazines and surfing the internet to identify design elements that you like, before visiting the shops. This will save you time as it allows you to 'zoom in' on the gowns that will fulfil some of your criteria.
  • Whether to go it alone or to bring a friend along is really a personal preference. Some like to be able to make the decision on their own while others fancy an extra pair of eyes. Some mothers or even grooms who would like to join in the discovery. Or you can even make it a day out with your bridal attendants to have girls fun together.
  • Have a budget in mind. No point having discussions with a high-end designer when you can't afford it. With a budget as a point of reference, you will be able to narrow down the options vis-à-vis bridal studios, specialty boutiques and designers.
  • Rent a ready-made gown with alterations done to fit her size. This could either be a brand new gown or one which has already been worn by others beforehand. But they usually won’t amend the length to your height.
  • • Have a gown custom-made to her size and design requirements on a rental basis i.e. the gown can be returned after the wedding. This would ensure that the gown is new.
  • Have a gown custom-made to her size and design requirements on a purchase basis i.e. there is no return option after the wedding. Again, this will be a brand new gown which will be a keepsake for the bride. Custom-made is risky if you are not sure if the end-product will come out as imagined.
  • Purchase a ready-made gown off-the-rack. This again could either be a new gown or one which has been worn before. But at the least you know how the end product would look like on you instead of hoping for the best!
  • Once you have made a selection, it is best to refrain from looking at other designs. Otherwise, you may end up making changes from time to time, creating a vicious cycle of a never-ending story.
  • There are suggestions on the kind of cut for the types of body shapes. Unless you are sure of it, I do suggest that you try a few types at least, just so that you can pick the best look you prefer instead of relying on theory. Since you are going to try many gowns anyway, why not take the opportunity as your own future references for future dresses or gowns.
  • Be careful to choose a gown that you can walk comfortable in length and volume. All eyes will be on you as you walk down the aisle and you do want to prevent unnaturalness in the walk or even tripping. Try practicing the walking with the actual shoes and gown at least a day before. It will be reflected in any video recording or photo capturing.
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth. This statement can apply two ways.
  • Firstly, asking for too many opinions will only make you all the more muddled. It’s your wedding and you have the final say to pick your dream gown - the one that makes you looks the best. Secondly, too many details on a gown will necessarily make the best gown. The gown is to bring out the bride prettily and not swallow her. Sometimes, less details is more focused on the bride.
Finally, 'It is never too early to search for that perfect wedding gown'. You might be surprised at the difficulty of picking the one.

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