Traditionally, Chinese families often make it a point to announce the upcoming nuptials of their children to relatives and friends by distributing bridal cakes. In fact, it is the bride's family that makes such an announcement with the bridal cakes they received as part of the betrothal gifts from the groom's family. This is customary not only as a means to give notice to kin of the impending nuptials but also as an invitation to the wedding feast.

What is different however, is how the bridal cakes are now packaged. In keeping with modern times, they are now packaged with much style and aplomb. Not only are the contents important, emphasis is also placed on the way the cakes are presented. Indeed, couples are increasingly taking greater interest in such matters that were previously the domain of parents.

When deciding on bridal cakes, do take the following into account :
  • Make a list of relatives and friends who are to receive the cakes.
  • Order a small quantity as 'extras' in case some names have been left out of your original list.
  • Have a taste of what is on offer and select the ones that you personally enjoy.
  • Review the various packaging options and choose the one that best reflects your style preferences.
  • Be prepared to listen to the service provider's advice as well.
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