Do you know where the ideas for favors at the wedding came from? I don't think anyone has pinpointed where they came from for sure, however, they have become common tradition at most weddings you see now days. Here are a few traditions that you might find fun and interesting:

  • Jordan almonds, a favorite at most weddings, are centered on Middle Eastern weddings. This favor dictates that you give 5 pieces to each guest to represent the five wedding wishes: fertility, health, wealth, happiness and longevity. The almond is candy coated representing the bitter and the sweet of marriage.
  • Decorated eggs are a symbol of fertility for the couple with this Malaysian tradition.
  • Glass charms in the shape of an eye were given on the couples wedding day in this Greek tradition to protect them from bad luck.
  • "Bridal Sugar" is a Dutch favor tradition. It is given in sets of 5 cubes to represent: prosperity, virility, happiness, loyalty and of course love!
  • In the Victorian Era, "party crackers" were very popular.

When considering the favors for your wedding, keep in mind that they should reflect you as a couple. These could be based on culture, religion, personality, or a mutual hobby.
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